Unit value for laboratory according to the tariffs of the Ministry of Health in the Syrian Arab Republic for the laboratory tests
d 4 - Androstene Dione | 30 | Hormone |
d Amino Levulenic Acid | 20 | Urine |
g GT | 7.5 | Chemistry |
a1 Antitrypsin | 20 | Chemistry |
b2 Microglobulin | 30 | T Marker |
aFP | 20 | T Marker |
bhCG | 20 | Hormone |
1,25 Dihydroxy Vitamin D | 50 | Chemistry |
17-Hydroxycorticoids | 20 | Urine |
17-ketosteroids | 20 | Urine |
5-HIAA (Quantitative) | 20 | Urine |
ACP | 5 | Chemistry |
ACTH | 30 | Hormone |
Adrenaline | 20 | Hormone |
AFB Abs (ICT) | 10 | Immunology |
AFB Culture | 10 | Microbiology |
AFB Smear | 5 | Microbiology |
AFB Susceptibility Test | 50 | Microbiology |
Aldolase | 10 | Chemistry |
Aldosterone | 30 | Hormone |
ALP | 3 | Chemistry |
ALP Iso Enzyme | 20 | Chemistry |
ALT (SGPT) | 3 | Chemistry |
Amebiasis Serological Test | 10 | Serology |
Amino Acids, (Quantitative) HPLC | 100 | Chemistry |
Ammonia | 10 | Chemistry |
Amphetamine | 25 | Drug |
Amylase | 5 | Chemistry |
ANA | 20 | Immunology |
ANCA (P & C) | 60 | Immunology |
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme | 25 | Chemistry |
Anti LA-SS-B | 40 | Immunology |
Anti RO-SS-A | 40 | Immunology |
Antithrombin III | 20 | Coagulation |
Apolipoprotein - A | 20 | Chemistry |
Apolipoprotein - B | 20 | Chemistry |
Arsenic | 15 | Chemistry |
ASLO (Quantitative) | 5 | Serology |
AST (SGOT) | 3 | Chemistry |
Bacterial Identification (Automated) | 15 | Microbiology |
Bacterial Smear | 2.5 | Microbiology |
Bacterial Susceptibility Panel (MIC) | 15 | Microbiology |
Basophile Count | 2 | Haematology |
Bence-Jones Protein, Qualitative | 2 | Urine |
Bilharsiosis Serological Test | 10 | Serology |
Bilirubin (total & direct & indirect) | 3 | Chemistry |
Bleeding & Coagulation Time | 2 | Coagulation |
Blood Cells Indices | 2 | Haematology |
Blood Culture | 15 | Microbiology |
Blood Film Inspection | 3 | Haematology |
Blood Gases | 20 | Chemistry |
Blood Group & Rh | 2.5 | Haematology |
Bromide | 15 | Chemistry |
Brucella IgG Abs | 30 | Immunology |
Brucella IgM Abs | 30 | Immunology |
BTA | 40 | T Marker |
C3 Complement | 10 | Immunology |
C4 Complement | 10 | Immunology |
CA 125 | 50 | T Marker |
CA 15.3 | 50 | T Marker |
CA 19.9 | 50 | T Marker |
Cadmium | 15 | Chemistry |
Calcitonin | 25 | Hormone |
Calcium | 2.5 | Chemistry |
Calcium, Ionised | 6 | Chemistry |
Carbamazepine | 25 | Drug |
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) | 3 | Chemistry |
Cardiolipin Abs IgG | 30 | Immunology |
Cardiolipin Abs IgM | 30 | Immunology |
Carnitin L | 50 | Seminal Fluid |
CBC | 5 | Haematology |
CEA | 40 | T Marker |
Ceruloplasmin | 15 | Chemistry |
Cervical Smear | 3 | Microbiology |
Cervical Swab | 2 | Specimen |
Chlamydia Abs IgA | 30 | Immunology |
Chlamydia Abs IgG | 30 | Immunology |
Chloride | 2.5 | Chemistry |
Cholesterol | 2.5 | Chemistry |
Cholesterol, HDL | 10 | Chemistry |
Cholesterol, LDL | 10 | Chemistry |
Cholinesterase | 10 | Chemistry |
Chromium | 15 | Chemistry |
CK | 7.5 | Chemistry |
CK-MB | 12.5 | Chemistry |
Clot Retraction | 2 | Haematology |
CMV Abs IgG | 30 | Immunology |
CMV Abs IgM | 30 | Immunology |
Coagulation Time (Lee-White) | 2.5 | Coagulation |
Cobalt | 15 | Chemistry |
Cold Agglutinin | 5 | Haematology |
Coomb’s Direct | 2.5 | Serology |
Coomb’s Indirect | 6 | Serology |
Copper | 15 | Chemistry |
Coproporphyrin (Quantitative) | 10 | Urine |
Cortisol | 20 | Hormone |
Cortisol, Free | 25 | Hormone |
Creatinine | 2.5 | Chemistry |
Creatinine Clearance | 5 | Chemistry |
Cross Matching | 5 | Haematology |
CRP (Quantitative) | 5 | Serology |
CRP, Latex | 2.5 | Serology |
Cryoglobulins | 2.5 | Haematology |
Cryptosporidine | 10 | Microbiology |
Cyfra 21 | 50 | T Marker |
DHEA - S | 25 | Hormone |
Digoxin | 25 | Drug |
DNA | 20 | Immunology |
EBV Abs IgG | 40 | Immunology |
EBV Abs IgM | 40 | Immunology |
Echinococcus Abs (IH) | 10 | Serology |
Electrophoresis, Immuno CSF | 25 | Fluid |
Electrophoresis, CSF or Fluids | 20 | Fluid |
Electrophoresis, Haemoglobin | 15 | Haematology |
Electrophoresis, Immuno | 20 | Chemistry |
Electrophoresis, Immuno, Urine | 25 | Urine |
Electrophoresis, Lipids | 15 | Chemistry |
Electrophoresis, Proteins | 15 | Chemistry |
Electrophoresis, Urine | 20 | Urine |
Endomysial IgA Abs | 30 | Immunology |
Endomysial IgG Abs | 30 | Immunology |
Eosinophils Count | 2 | Haematology |
Eosinophils in Sputum | 2 | Microbiology |
Erythroboietin Abs | 40 | Immunology |
ESR | 2 | Haematology |
Esterase Stain | 20 | Haematology |
Estradiol | 20 | Hormone |
Estradiol, Free | 30 | Hormone |
Factor X | 20 | Coagulation |
Factor II | 20 | Coagulation |
Factor IX | 20 | Coagulation |
Factor V | 20 | Coagulation |
Factor VII | 20 | Coagulation |
Factor VIII | 20 | Coagulation |
FDP | 20 | Coagulation |
Ferritin | 25 | Chemistry |
Fibrinogen | 5 | Coagulation |
Foetal Haemoglobin | 3.5 | Haematology |
Folic Acid | 30 | Chemistry |
Fragility Test for RBC | 5 | Haematology |
Fructosamine | 10 | Chemistry |
Fructose | 5 | Seminal Fluid |
FSH | 20 | Hormone |
FTA | 20 | Immunology |
Fungal Culture | 20 | Microbiology |
Fungal Smear | 3.5 | Microbiology |
G6 PDH | 10 | Haematology |
Galactose | 10 | Chemistry |
Galactose Tolerance Test | 10 | Chemistry |
Gastrin | 25 | Hormone |
Gliadin Abs IgA | 30 | Immunology |
Gliadin Abs IgG | 30 | Immunology |
Glomerular Basement Membrane Abs | 30 | Immunology |
Glucose | 2 | Chemistry |
Glucose Tolerance Test | 10 | Chemistry |
Glycosylated Haemoglobin | 20 | Chemistry |
Growth Hormone (hGH) | 20 | Hormone |
Ham Test | 20 | Haematology |
Haptoglobin | 20 | Haematology |
HAV Abs IgM (EIA) | 40 | Immunology |
HAV Abs total (EIA) | 40 | Immunology |
Hb. Hct. RBC | 2.5 | Haematology |
HBc Abs IgM (EIA) | 40 | Immunology |
HBc Abs total (EIA) | 40 | Immunology |
HBe Abs (EIA) | 40 | Immunology |
HBe Ag (EIA) | 40 | Immunology |
HBe Ag (ICT) | 10 | Immunology |
HBs Abs (EIA) | 40 | Immunology |
HBs Ag (ICT) | 10 | Immunology |
HBs Ag (EIA) | 20 | Immunology |
HCV Abs (EIA) | 40 | Immunology |
Helicobacter Pylori Abs | 40 | Immunology |
Heparin, Low Molecular Weight | 20 | Chemistry |
Heparin, Unfractionated | 20 | Chemistry |
Hepatitis B Virus DNA (Quantitative) | 150 | Immunology |
Hepatitis C Virus RNA (Qualitative) | 75 | Immunology |
Hepatitis C Virus RNA (Quantitative) | 150 | Immunology |
HLA Abs for Transplantation | 50 | Immunology |
HLA Class I (A, B, C) | 150 | Immunology |
HLA Class II (DR) | 200 | Immunology |
HLA-B27 Typing | 75 | Immunology |
HLA-B5 Typing | 75 | Immunology |
Home Specimen Collection | 2.5 | Specimen |
HSV I or II IgG | 30 | Immunology |
HSV I or II IgM | 30 | Immunology |
Hydroxyproline | 25 | Urine |
IgA | 10 | Immunology |
IgE | 15 | Immunology |
IgE Specific, per Allergen | 2.5 | Immunology |
IgG | 10 | Immunology |
IgM | 10 | Immunology |
Infectious Mononucleosis | 4 | Serology |
Insulin | 20 | Hormone |
Iron | 3.5 | Chemistry |
Lactic Acid | 15 | Chemistry |
LD | 4 | Chemistry |
LD Iso Enzyme | 20 | Chemistry |
LE Cells | 5 | Haematology |
Lead | 15 | Chemistry |
Leishmania Abs | 15 | Immunology |
Leishmania Organism Detection | 5 | Microbiology |
Leukocytes Alkaline Phosphates | 20 | Haematology |
LH | 20 | Hormone |
Lipase | 7.5 | Chemistry |
Lipids in Stool (Qualitative) | 2 | Microbiology |
Lipids in Stool (Quantitative) | 30 | Microbiology |
Lipids, Total | 3 | Chemistry |
Listeriosis Serological Test | 20 | Serology |
Lithium | 5 | Chemistry |
Magnesium | 7.5 | Chemistry |
Malaria Organism Detection | 5 | Microbiology |
Manganese | 15 | Chemistry |
Mercury | 15 | Chemistry |
Metanephrine, Urine | 30 | Urine |
Methemoglobin | 10 | Haematology |
Methotrexate | 25 | Drug |
Microalbuminuria (Qualitative) | 6 | Urine |
Microalbuminuria (Quantitative) | 20 | Urine |
Mitochondrial Abs (AMA) | 30 | Immunology |
Mycoplasma Culture | 40 | Microbiology |
Myoglobin | 20 | Chemistry |
Nickel | 15 | Chemistry |
Occult Blood | 1 | Microbiology |
Oesteocalcin | 40 | Immunology |
Other Culture | 7.5 | Microbiology |
Oxalate, Urine (Quantitative) | 40 | Urine |
PAP | 6 | Chemistry |
Peptide C | 20 | Chemistry |
Periodic Acid Stain (Schiff) | 20 | Haematology |
Peroxidase Stain | 20 | Haematology |
Phenobarbital | 25 | Drug |
Phenol (Quantitative) | 15 | Urine |
Phenytoin | 25 | Drug |
Phospholipid Abs IgG | 30 | Immunology |
Phospholipid Abs IgM | 30 | Immunology |
Phospholipids | 5 | Chemistry |
Phosphorus | 2.5 | Chemistry |
PKU, Qualitative Test | 2 | Urine |
Platelets Count | 2 | Haematology |
Porphobilinogen (Quantitative) | 20 | Urine |
Post Coital Test | 5 | Seminal Fluid |
Potassium | 2.5 | Chemistry |
Pregnancy Test | 3 | Urine |
Progesterone | 20 | Hormone |
Progesterone, 17 - Hydroxy | 30 | Hormone |
Prolactin | 20 | Hormone |
Prostatic Massage | 5 | Specimen |
Protamine Sulfate Gelatin Test | 10 | Coagulation |
Protein C | 25 | Coagulation |
Protein S | 25 | Coagulation |
Protein, CSF or Fluids | 1.5 | Fluid |
Protein, Total & A/G | 3.5 | Chemistry |
Prothrombin Time | 2.5 | Coagulation |
PSA | 30 | T Marker |
PSA, Free | 40 | T Marker |
PTH | 30 | Hormone |
PTT | 5 | Coagulation |
PTT - LA | 20 | Coagulation |
Pus, Abscess, Fungal, Hair etc. Swab | 1.5 | Specimen |
Pyruvic Acid | 15 | Chemistry |
RA Test (Quantitative) | 5 | Serology |
RA Test, Latex | 2.5 | Serology |
Rectal Swab | 2 | Specimen |
Rennin | 25 | Chemistry |
Reticulocyte Count | 2 | Haematology |
Rivalta | 1 | Fluid |
Rubella Abs IgG | 20 | Immunology |
Rubella Abs IgM | 20 | Immunology |
Salicylic Acid | 25 | Drug |
Seminal Fluid Culture | 7.5 | Seminal Fluid |
Serotonin | 10 | Chemistry |
Sickle Cells | 2 | Haematology |
Smooth Muscle Abs (ASMA) | 30 | Immunology |
Sodium | 2.5 | Chemistry |
Somatomedin C | 50 | Hormone |
Sperm Abs, IF | 25 | Seminal Fluid |
Sperm Activation & Concentration | 30 | Seminal Fluid |
Spermogram | 5 | Seminal Fluid |
Stone Analysis | 4 | Urine |
Stool Analysis | 2 | Microbiology |
Stool Culture | 10 | Microbiology |
Stool pH | 1 | Microbiology |
Sudan Black Stain | 20 | Haematology |
T3 | 15 | Hormone |
T3, Free | 20 | Hormone |
T4 | 15 | Hormone |
T4, Free | 20 | Hormone |
Testosterone | 20 | Hormone |
Testosterone, Free | 25 | Hormone |
Theophyllin | 25 | Drug |
Throat Swab | 1 | Specimen |
Thyroglobulin Abs | 30 | Immunology |
Thyroid Abs (Microsomal) | 30 | Immunology |
TIBC | 7.5 | Chemistry |
Titan Immunofixation Stain | 20 | Haematology |
Titan Silver Gel Stain | 30 | Haematology |
Toxoplasmose Abs total (DA) | 10 | Immunology |
Toxoplasmose Abs IgG | 20 | Immunology |
Toxoplasmose Abs IgM | 20 | Immunology |
TPHA | 10 | Serology |
Transferrin | 25 | Chemistry |
Triglycerides | 5 | Chemistry |
Troponin T | 20 | Chemistry |
Trypsin Activity (X-Ray Film) | 5 | Microbiology |
TSH | 20 | Hormone |
Tuberculin Test | 2.5 | Immunology |
Urate (Uric Acid) | 2 | Chemistry |
Urea | 2 | Chemistry |
Urea Clearance | 5 | Chemistry |
Urethral Discharge Smear | 3 | Microbiology |
Urethral Discharge Swab | 2 | Specimen |
Urinalysis | 2 | Urine |